Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ender's Gaming

I guess introductions are in order. My name is Phillip Rose, head-editor of the local York newspaper called Moxia and Dinner Owl, hence the name of this blog.
My boss told me that I need to have something to take my mind of things, mostly because he thinks I'm out of my mind. I didn't choose the mad life, the mad life chose me. Anyway to ellaborate I am working for a lady that calls herself Ivory. Ivory has a plan for the world or at least the town of York which I'm not allowed to post on this blog. I'm sorry...
I don't remember much of my life before meeting Ivory. She says that to her plan, my past life is useless. That makes sense I suppose.

I dislike most of humanity. I don't know why, but it seems between the people killing each other & teenagers begininng to be dumber & dumber by the second it seems humanity has no business in the world, but thats just me. I don't remember what Ivory's plan was, I wrote it down somewhere...

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